Thursday, September 23, 2010

First Day of 2 year Old Preschool

In the breezeway before going to his new class

He wanted to play on the playground first

In his class, he met teachers and new friends

He played with some play-doh and ate some too

Then he went to the kitchen

He made Mommy some tea

On September 7, Will, Connor, and I took Weston to his first day of 2 year old playschool. Once we got him to his new class, he went right to playing in all the learning centers. His teachers, Mrs. Lee and Mrs. Lori, were very nice. He had a good first day!
In the past two weeks, he has talked about school and his teachers often. One Friday, I asked Weston, "What do you want to do today?" He answered, "go to school". I explained to him that we would have to wait until the next Tuesday to go back to school.
I love how his teachers send home the lesson plans for what they are working on. They have been learning about apples, the color red, and circles this week. He is painting, coloring pictures, glueing, and singing new songs. Our refrigerator is already full of some of Weston's masterpieces. I love school as much as he does!

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