Thursday, May 26, 2011

May Days

Connor, 8 months and crawling

Connor-man on the boat

Captain Weston taking his job seriously

Nap time on the water

Playing at home

Connor climbing out...of everything

He was even strapped in and the
swing was moving when he decided it
was time to get out!

Rocking on his hands and knees in bed

Sleeping so peacefully

Connor turned 8 months old in May. On Mother's day, he began doing the "army crawl" forward, and it was so cute. But, he also started climbing out of the bumbo seat, the swing (while it was moving), and the exersaucer. He is now crawling all over the place and getting into everything. We took the boat out a few times for a day at the lake. Weston is very serious about helping Will drive the boat. He always has a deep look of concentration on his face that cracks me up. We are looking forward to a fun summer!

1 comment:

Angie said...

Oh, Betsy! These pics of Connor crawling out of everything are cracking me up! You have your hands full, for sure! Love all the camping pictures. We have been going lots lately, too, and the kids love it....almost as much as their daddy! :0) Your boys are precious and getting so big!