Thursday, August 21, 2014

Weston's Kindergarten Graduation

Will and me with the graduate

Weston & Mrs. Kathy Wallace

Weston getting his medal from Mrs. Kathy Wallace

Weston was very proud of himself

Walking on stage

Weston reciting his poem

Performing songs on stage

Part of his audience: Nana, James, Connor, & Granddaddy

He thought he might want to be a police officer one day

Love that his favorite part of school was playing outside

Weston's wanting to be a father says a lot about his own daddy

Weston's photos and art work

The puppet Mimi & I made for him
Weston looked forward to kindergarten graduation before he ever stepped foot in the classroom.  He couldn't wait to earn a medal for memorizing 26 Bible verses--one for each letter of the alphabet.  He took responsibility in memorizing all the verses and saying them on time throughout the year.  I think Weston thought that graduating kindergarten meant that he became an adult.  He thought he was so big!  The graduation ceremony and luncheon were both really nice.  Will, me, Connor, James, Mimi, Grandy, Nana, & Granddaddy all came to celebrate with our little graduate.  We couldn't have asked for a better year.  Weston learned to read.  He also learned to write using his "smarty spelling".  He writes and draws pictures almost every day at the kitchen table or our new desk.

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