Monday, March 31, 2014

100 Days Smarter

100 days of Kindergarten
Weston's "100 days" project

Weston counting out worms by 5's and 10's to 100


Proud of his project

Connor just being his silly little self
All dressed up like an old man for school

Adjusting his suspenders

His daddy also attended the celebration

One of his teachers dressed up, orthopedic shoes and all
In February, Weston celebrated 100 days of Kindergarten.  Each kindergartener had to do a project using 100 items.  We made "Kindergarten Bait" using gummy worms and crushed Oreo cookies.  It became a family project, because Connor wanted to participate.  We counted out the worms, in tally mark fashion, on a cookie sheet.  For the 100th day, Weston and his class dressed as if they were 100.  I sprayed his hair gray and got some small glasses.  He borrowed a cane that was my great-granddad's.  He also borrowed Will's suspenders from his Air Force "mess dress" uniform.  One of his teachers, Mrs. Kathy Ferris, was dressed up and walking around complaining about her "Osteoferocious"!  It was so funny.  Will was able to stop by the class before heading to work.  It was a great day and such a fun memory for our little Weston. 

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