Friday, September 6, 2013

Celebrating James Everett


A fun girls' lunch with sweet friends

3D/4D Ultrasound image of James Everett's little face
Yesterday was a great day.  For weeks I had been concerned about James being in breech position and the decisions that I would have to make prior to delivery.  My doctor recommended an external cephalic version to try to rotate him into head down position.  I had heard that this procedure was pretty painful, and some even give epidurals to counteract pain.  So, needless to say, I was just a little anxious, but willing to try anyway.  The alternatives were opting for a C-section or trying a risky breech delivery.  We arrived at the women's center at 7:30 AM.  Dr. Young came in and manually turned him by pressing on my belly and slowly moved him into position, while using a portable sonogram machine to monitor his position.  The procedure was completely painless (and I wasn't given any pain meds), and it only took about 2 minutes.  He told me that most versions don't go that easy.  I felt extremely blessed and I rested in the peace that God is in control over our circumstances.  He has been this whole pregnancy as we have had ups and downs along the way.  Thankfully, everything has come out wonderfully.  I have learned that God gives us grace exactly when we need it.  He just waits on us to let go and trust in him.  Pretty soon, another one of God's miracles will take place, as we welcome our third son, James Everett Parrott, into the family. 
A few hours after leaving the hospital, I went to meet friends at Sweet Tea & Biscuits for a girls' lunch to celebrate James Everett.  It was such a sweet little shower with yummy food and great conversation.  It felt so good to truly celebrate and finally be able to look forward to the delivery of our sweet baby James.  I can't wait to see his little face in person.  There is a 3D/4D ultrasound picture above of our James at about 32 weeks. 

1 comment:

Chloe said...

How exciting!! God is so good! I can't wait to meet Mr James Everett!!