Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Trick or Treat

My little dragon
Ready to go Trick or Treating

"Puff" riding his trike all over the house

The Kinneys stopped by

Weston and Ella

This Dragon & Princess are actually friends

Ready for bed after a busy day!

FUM Playschool Halloween Party

Our Punk Rocker--I spiked his hair, but
I didn't give him the black eye;)

Will & Weston at FUM Trunk N Treat

Weston in a jumpy castle for the first time

Weston was a dragon this year for Halloween. When I put the costume on him, he just laughed. It was adorable and hilarious. His friend Ella came over to take a few pictures before Trick or Treating. We were supposed to go to a hay ride and Halloween party at a friend's house, but we didn't make it. Weston was tired and fussy. We didn't do much Trick or Treating, either. He had enough fun going to the door every time the doorbell rang. Monday morning, he was diagnosed with strep! Poor little dragon!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Fall Update

At Chris & Kate's wedding in Virginia

Weston with Micah Hill

The Newlyweds

On Base for Will's Pin-on Ceremony

Pictures by Will's jet, the T-38

Major Dad & his little Captain

Weston with his buddy Noah Carnathan

Brent, Abby, Weston, Noah, Me, and Will
at Brent's 30th birthday party in September.
We have been so busy lately, and I haven't updated in a while. Will pinned on Major on October 1. His ceremony was September 30, because we hit the road for Tulley's wedding in Richmond, VA on October 1st. We drove a little out of the way to stop in Sumter for dinner with Thad, Lara, Paul, and Marie at the Vincent's. We got to visit with a few Alice Drive friends too, and even our old friend Baker's Sweets. Our visit was way too short, and we didn't get to see everyone that we would have liked to visit with, so we will just have to make another trip. We went to the wedding, which Will officiated--yes, this makes #4 for the "minister":) Chris & Kate's wedding was very nice and personal. It was so good to see them, as well as Jason/Laura Hill and Kenny/Amy Bartlett. We had such a great trip, and Weston tolerated the 13 hour return home much better than expected. I've been working 1-2 days a week at Head Start doing screenings/speech therapy. Last weekend, my nephew Andrew turned 5 years old. We went to Chucky Cheese for his birthday party. On Sunday, we went to church, then to Memphis for Rachel's shower, then back to Tupelo for Weston's friend Kendall's 1st birthday party. We are ready to stay put for just a little while. Will starts his job with Edward Jones on October 19, so keep him in your prayers. He will still do his flying job in Columbus (part time Reserves).

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Can't We Just Live At The Beach?

Weston at Orange Beach
Weston playing with his new friend, Micah

His name in the sand

Always trying to climb something
Resting for a minute

Hanging out in the stroller under our tent
Playing with his dump truck

We went to Orange Beach, AL to stay at Mimi & Grandy's condo the last week of August. This was Weston's second trip to the beach, although he probably doesn't remember the first. He was only 6 weeks old when we went last year. Weston really had a blast this year. He was so happy all week long. He loved playing with his dump truck in the sand, climbing on beach chairs, and playing in the water. He got a lot of practice walking on sand, and he was determined to walk everywhere without holding onto our hands. Our baby is officially a TODDLER now!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

ONE Big Weekend Celebration!

The birthday boy is ONE!

With mommy at his party


About to pick at his cake

Dan, Joshua, & Kristen with us at the party

Some of Weston's friends splashing in the fountain

With Ivey Kate & Hollie

With Sophie & Ricki

Daddy & Weston-the windblown look :)

Ella Grace

Saxton & Amber

Averi holding Weston's hand

Sweet little picture of Ella Grace

Joshua & Weston splashing in the fountain

Ivey Kate

Jacob & Maggie

Weston & Piper

Sam & Brody

Joshua, Kristen, me, & Weston

"It's my party, and I'll cry if I want to..."

Opening gifts with family

Eating a cupcake

Andrew giving Weston a kiss

Kristen & me at our house

Weston & Joshua playing

Kristen, Joshua, me, & Weston at Old Venice

Weston's baptism at The Orchard

Weston with Bryan Collier

The Parrott Family after the Baptism

First time in the "Big Boy" carseat...he loves it!
The result of the biggest celebration weekend he's ever had!

Weston turned one year old on July 22nd. His 1st birthday bash was at Fairpark on Saturday, where we celebrated with friends and family. We had so much fun! Weston really enjoyed splashing in the fountain. All his little friends were splashing around with him. We took more than enough pictures to remember this big day, as you will see. The theme for his party was monkeys...monkey cake, monkey suit, monkey favors...he even got some monkey books and a monkey backpack! Our Sumter friends, the Joneses (Paul & Marie) and the Vincents (Thad & Lara), were so thoughtful to send Weston a package with "Curious George" and "Five Little Monkeys" books inside. Weston loves reading his books! Dan, Kristen, and Joshua Alexander were so sweet to come all the way from the coast for Weston's party. We had so much fun hanging out with them on Friday night at Old Venice, and again on Saturday at Fairpark. Weston & Joshua are such great playmates! Will and I have been overwhelmed with the abundance of friends here in Tupelo. We are so thankful to have such sweet friends here, since leaving our Sumter friends was difficult for us. God has blessed us so much!!
To top off the big weekend celebration, we had Weston's infant baptism on Sunday. Weston wore the same white outfit that his cousin Andrew wore for his baptism several years ago. That was so special that the outfit could be passed down for Weston's baptism. Thanks to Brian & Marzelle for letting us borrow it. Weston did really well on stage...he did not scream or cry like I was afraid he would!