Monday, May 5, 2014

Kindergarten Science Week: The Laws of Aerodynamics

Weston telling his classmates about thrust

Explaining drag

Will about to test the first paper airplane

All eyes on Weston & his Daddy

They make a great team

Connor and James came to watch the presentation

Time for the gear

Weston feeling pretty cool wearing his helmet

About to do a G-suit demonstration

Answering questions from the class
Weston and Will had to come up with a science project to share with Weston's class for science week.  They chose the Laws of Aerodynamics and Bernoulli's Principle.  Weston explained how the forces of thrust and drag act on a plane.  They made paper airplanes with different modifications to demonstrate thrust and drag.  Then Will brought out the gear for everyone to see.  Weston and Will both did a great job!  Connor, James, and I all came to show support.

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