Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Connor's 4th Birthday Party

Connor, Grayson, & Marley playing in our backyard

The yummy cake

Weston wearing Connor's present from Miss Chloe

Connor and friends waiting for cake

Connor holding up 4 fingers with Marley

Daddy bringing in the cake

Connor with a cute grin on his face

Making a wish...

and blowing out the candles

Everyone quietly eating cake

Tatum and Lilly

Grandy and James with his chocolate cake face

Race Car Driver costume from Nana & Granddaddy
Pretending to drive a race car & making engine noises

Mommy holding the birthday boy in a headstand
On the Friday night of Labor Day weekend, we had Connor's 4th birthday party at our house.  We invited several of his classmates and their families.  I think there were 14 kids present, along with their parents.  It was a baseball-themed party, so we served hot dogs, chips, and a chocolate baseball cake.  We gave Cracker Jacks and Big League Chew bubblegum to our guests as party favors.  Connor practically opened each gift as his friends walked in the door.  He was trying to be sneaky, as he took his friends to the playroom, where they opened the gifts and played.  They also made their way into the dress-up closet.  Connor dressed up as Spider-Man, and Marley wore the Elmo costume the whole night!  The kids just ran around and had a great time together.  It was a lot of fun for the birthday boy.  He really had a blast! 

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